Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Holidays

I'm back, finally. It's been a frustrating few weeks, but I'm hopeful that things will be looking up now.

I was out of town for awhile, with limited Internet access, so I wasn't able to make any updates, or do any serious writing. It looks like I missed most of the December prompts that I had wanted to follow.

My next goal, to make up for my last few failures, is to write 31 short stories in 31 days. (Through the month of January) It might be more than I can handle, but I'm up for the challenge. I'm not going to make a set length, a few of the ideas I have will be fairly small stories overall. I'm not going to post all of them here, either. I might share a few, especially if I get some requests. (hint hint)

One of the ideas I'm looking forward to exploring is an empty birdcage. Why would somebody own a birdcage, with just a few feathers strewn around the bottom? I don't know yet, but it's an idea I want to try out. I might even go through a few different angles.
-Bird died, and cage is a memorial.
-The thought of a pet is just as powerful as the pet itself, so the owner bought an empty cage.
-Bird has flown the coop.
This idea came from a scene in Ghost in the Shell: Innocence. The cage was just a background image, but it stayed with me. It's such an open idea, I look forward to exploring it, along with a lot of other ideas I can finally get out during January. I might also try some strange challenges, if I'm feeling overly ambitious. Things like writing an entire story without using the letter "E", or starting each sentence with a different letter, alphabetically. If you have a reasonable challenge, post it here.

In my next post, I'll go over some books I've read recently (I'll do a better job this time. Formatting nightmare last time I posted my "recently read list") I might also go over some of the ideas I'll be working on during January.
There is also a chance that I'll do a post on my experiences with Linux so far. It's become such a large part of my daily (computer) life that I feel I should discuss it.

I'll leave you with a final Happy New Year!

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