Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dec 2, 2010 (Reverb 2010)

Today's prompt
December 2 Writing.
What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?
(Author: Leo Babauta)

That's a loaded question/statement. There is a lot of things I do each day that don't directly relate to writing. Reading, I'll pass off as being "research", and a healthy form of entertainment.

The big one of course, would have to be games. From short online games on Kongregate to time wasters like Nethack. I'm hopelessly addicted to games in many forms.

It "should" be easy enough to resist the urge to waste time playing a game, but they are usually a good way to calm me down, and let my mind relax between tasks. I might be able to eliminate gaming entirely, if I could convince myself that it's what I want to do. The problem arises when I realize that I'm trying to lie to myself, and promptly ignore any further communication from that part of my mind. This is usually achieved by playing yet another game.

I also waste a large amount of time online. Since I still have not found out what I'm doing for the large spans of time that disappear every time I open an internet browser, I can't say if it's possible to eliminate that activity or not. There is email, which takes five minutes to check, and clear out the junk. It's rare that I get a message that's worth a response, so I can't say I spend much time with that. Facebook used to occupy a large portion of my time, but during NaNo I learned to ignore that particular time waster.

So... My final answer is going to be games, with a small possibility that I can trim the time wasted on them. It may not be possible to cut it out entirely, but a good trimming is always possible.

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