Friday, November 5, 2010

NaNo Day 5

Starting the fifth day of NaNo. I've managed to keep up to my overachieving goal of 5k words a day. I'm now almost half way to the traditional goal of 50,000 total words.
The first day I took off, and did more than I had expected. The second and third day I started to fall behind. I was still ahead of my total word goal, but not making my 5k/day. Day four I went crazy, and wrote close to 10k words, to make up for the previous days.

The novel itself if making progress. I have managed to follow the chapter summery, generally. I've expanded on some of the thoughts and ideas. So my novel is up to eleven chapters, while following my summery, I have only got through four or five of the chapters.

It has been an odd four days so far. My free time no longer belongs to me. Every free moment is used in front of the computer, thinking, typing, or trying to do a combination of both. I'm reading a great book, but I can only get stolen glances at the page before being drawn back to my novel. My characters have become just as real to me as any book I have ever read.
The feel of the keys beneath my fingers, as they fly across the letters is addicting. The faint tapping sound, just loud enough to hear over the music. Even the blinking cursor at the end of the line is encouraging. "What happens next?" It asks, then blinks. "What's next?" Blink "Keep going." Blink. As the blinking continues, the prodding speeds up, the sentences becoming words, until it repeats a single word. A question, an answer, a command.
"More?" Blink. "More?" Blink. "More." Blink. "More." Blink. "More!" blink. "More!" blink.
I have to choice, but to comply. "More" I think to myself, and continue writing.

I have also started a blog, from the viewpoint of my main character. I'm writing the novel in third person, and the chance to do a first person alternative is a great way to keep me on track. If you want to take a look, you can find it here: Marcus Dreamwalker
This is a chance to get a small taste of my novel now, as I'm writing it. Let me know what you think.

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