Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Warm Up: Lollipops and Rainbows

It can make or break a writer. There is a lot of controversy over inspired writing, and my 2 cents on the topic is that you can't be a slave to inspiration.
Great books have come from inspiration, but you can't wait for it to come.

When it comes to talking about inspiration, my favorite topic is "Lollipops and Rainbows". Inspiration might not come as a whole story, or even part of a story. It could come from two words, and a unique relationship between them. I enjoy using Lollipops and Rainbows because at first, it looks like a story for children.
My challenge for you today, is to write a short story, or summary, using "Lollipops and Rainbows". The only condition is that it can't be a children's story.
If you want some last minute suggestions, think about genre. A mystery story could be based on a serial killer who leaves a rainbow colored lollipop at every murder scene. Horror: a creepy pedophile who drives around in a rainbow painted van, handing out lollipops to children.
Getting an idea yet? What about romance, two strippers named "Rainbow" and "Lollipop" who meet each other, and realize that their lives were empty up to that point. Together they change their lives, working through hardships and the painful past they both try to hide.
You can get silly if you want, it's just a warm up exercise. It's meant to get you in the mood, kick start your mind, and above all else, have fun with it.
How about a Western story, with a lollipop sucking cowboy riding into town on his trusty stead, Rainbow. Sci-fi/fantasy have a lot of options. The last rainbow in a war torn post apocalypse world. Where does the lollipop come in? You tell me!

Once you can see that you're in a box, it's much easier to think on the outside, and come up with something original.
Feel free to leave your story in the comments for others to enjoy, keep it in your archives in case it inspires you later, or write it and leave it. You might want to think about keeping a separate notebook or folder for warm up exercises. It's a great way to see how far you've come, and you never know what might come out them in the future.

I will post a few of my "Lollipops and Rainbows" stories in the next few days. Until next time, keep writing, and have fun!

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