Sunday, January 17, 2010

First rule of writing: Write!!

Welcome back.
I started a list of writing tips, but I've got so much to say about each of them that I'll split them up, and focus on one of them at a time. Today is the most basic tip of all for a writer...
It sounds obvious, but a lot of writers have trouble with this one. Think of it as practice. Sports players practice all the time, muscisians, the list goes on. Even natural talent needs practice to grow.
You don't have to write every day, but you will have to make a concious effort to write on a regular basis. This helps in a lot of ways. It will train your mind, and help you focus when that time comes. Personally, I have trouble scheduling a time to write, so I will write at different times each day.
You don't have to work on the same project every day. I usually have a few stories going at one time. If I can't come up with anything productive for my main work, I will write something on one of my "secondary" stories. Most of my secondary stories will never see the light of day, but by working on them, I am practicing and training my abilities. Sometimes I will write a story, or part of a story in a completely new style. Something I would never do in my main work. I've written stories using just descriptions, no conversation, conversation without descriptions, etc. If you decide to write secondary material for those days you have writers block, or can't add to your main project, don't throw them out. You might not like them, you might not have any intention of letting the public see them, but they can still give you ideas and inspiration down the road. Some of my best story ideas have come from 10 year old notebooks.
If you don't write fiction, you should still practice. One of the best ways to practice, especially for non-fiction writers is to write reviews. Review a movie, book, tv show.
Anyway, I've gone on for awhile now, and I think I've got my point across. Keep writing, reading, and enjoying life!

Friday, January 15, 2010

My first post

Greetz, and welcome to my blog.
I'm new to blogging, but I love to write and look forward to sharing it with you.
I will try to give writing tips that I find, exercises, and share some writing of my own down the road. If you're a fellow writer, I hope to inspire and challenge you, as well as help you learn new things. If you're not a writer, I hope that I can make you think, and give you some entertaining stories and quips.